This Thing Called Magic

This Thing Called Magic....
Magic in life is conjured by the tiny little things. The smell of the earth after it rains, the shifting of seasons, the fulfilling feeling of being part of a family, butterflies in the stomach on seeing that special someone, a vacation away from home, the taste of mom's cooking, hanging out with friends and doing nothing, coffee and snacks at midnight, being so engrossed in a book that any track of time is lost, watching our favourite movie for the millionth time but still laughing and crying like a baby: aren't these the very things that make life beautiful and aren't they simply magical? It is true what they say: God is indeed in the details.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Spice of Life

We see sights like this everyday; in the markets and by the roadside. Ever wondered how monotonous a place the world would be, if it wasn't for these colourful sights? The canvas of life would indeed be very dull if it weren't for these vibrant highlights gracing it. But, isn't is so very sad that the lives of these people, who add spice to our lives, are so bland themselves? I know, there isn't a lot that we can to help that. But, please do yourself a favour the next time you walk past the little girl sitting in the picture and give her a little smile. Oh, and what she wouldn't do for a photograph!


  1. The photograph is lovely! And did you do the editing? If yes, it's gorgeous. The play of colours, highlighting some and fading it. :)
