This Thing Called Magic

This Thing Called Magic....
Magic in life is conjured by the tiny little things. The smell of the earth after it rains, the shifting of seasons, the fulfilling feeling of being part of a family, butterflies in the stomach on seeing that special someone, a vacation away from home, the taste of mom's cooking, hanging out with friends and doing nothing, coffee and snacks at midnight, being so engrossed in a book that any track of time is lost, watching our favourite movie for the millionth time but still laughing and crying like a baby: aren't these the very things that make life beautiful and aren't they simply magical? It is true what they say: God is indeed in the details.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Conserving Compassion

Haven't we all had those days when we are sauntering around a market, minding our own business, and out of the blue somebody approaches us with a hard-to-believe story and importunes us for monetary help? No matter how much we'd like to help the person, almost every time we have dismissed his story as incredible and moved on. Ever wondered what if  their story was true? What if their entire life depended on our help? Yes, we have all had those cruel  pangs of guilt. Then why did we not spare them some money? Is it because we are too miserly? Do we really care more for money than our humanity? In most cases, the answer is 'no'. Then, what is it that crippled us from acting as we wanted to? It is our insecurity. This diffidence stems from our incessant rational thinking. When I became the scapegoat some time ago, I remembered something my dear mother does. She has a box in her cupboard, in which she regularly deposits some part of her savings. So, whenever she finds herself in the spotlight, she does not hesitate to help. It's not her money that is in the box, as she puts it. It belongs to the needy.


  1. This is so true! Even when we are willing to help, a part of us gives us excuses and the easiest thing we see is to get out of that situtaion asap. We should stick to our willingness and spare a lil' something that might not be important to us but could be really valuable for the other person.

  2. @Sunakshi-Totally true! So well put!
