Sometimes, in life, we find ourselves under certain circumstances
and situations. Like, studying a certain course, or working a certain job, or
living in a place that’s not home, etcetera, etcetera. The point is that we may
not always like the situation we are in. If we do, that’s well and good. Kudos.
But, if we don’t, what do we do? Now, a part of us may dismiss it as a stage in
our life, leading us to believe that we are meant to be here, that this is what
is best for us, and that this is what is destined.
The other part, knowing fully well that we are not happy, might urge us to
break free. It may insinuate thoughts that assert that we are destined for
greater things and that we should be doing what we love; after all, life is too
short to be moping around. This creates such a paradox and plunges us deeper into
the darkness of our thoughts.
Do we listen to our brain or our heart? That’s the burning
question. Do we fight destiny, take the risk, and follow our heart, or do we sensibly
do what the brain thinks right? If earlier asked advice on this topic, being
the emotional fool that I am, I would surely have said “Go with your heart, isn’t
it obvious?” But, now that I really think about it, I must admit that
it is a rather daunting line of thought. Surely destiny knows what’s right for
us, doesn’t it? But, what if this is
not our destiny and destiny actually wants us to follow our heart?
Destiny sure knows how to play a mean game. You know what
they say. You have to follow the signs. Destiny has a lot in store for you but
it needs some work on your part. It’s just like, when you want to have a good
meal, you need to step out and go to a restaurant. You need to order some food,
pick up the fork and put the food in your mouth. Yes, destiny would take care
of which restaurant you go to and which dish you order. *Winks* But, if you just
sit around saying “Oh, one of these days I’ll eat something really good,” God
alone help you. *Shakes head* But signs, or rather what constitutes signs, is not always reliable. The last time I tried to follow signs, *sighs* I ‘almost’
missed a flight. But that’s a story for another time. The question is how to
figure out the path of destiny. Do we take the road less travelled, like Robert
Frost did, or do we continue along the downtrodden path? How can we be sure about
any of the paths? Maybe there is a middle path for us? Alas, surety eludes one
and all. Surety never comes.
It cannot be guaranteed that we will be successful if we
take the alternative path. Especially when we are not sure if we are any good
at what the heart tells us to do, and if we will ever find any success in it.
At this point, we may think that it’s better to continue along the known route.
After all, who knows what the big picture is? As has been rightly said, if you
were a fly walking across a drawing, all you’d be able to see is green, then
blue, then yellow. Only if you got in the air before the swat came down would
you see that the colours belonged to a big drawing, with every colour being
just where it was meant to be. So, why shouldn’t we smugly dismiss our
circumstances as being part of a bigger picture? We will never know the answer,
will we? All we can do is close our eyes and take a leap of faith.*Gives a
comforting smile :P*
WOW! This is the most wonderful answer to the million questions that arise at the time of taking a decision. Well sought out and so beautifully put into words. It's like that beam of clarity which lights before us the path of deciding. :)