This Thing Called Magic

This Thing Called Magic....
Magic in life is conjured by the tiny little things. The smell of the earth after it rains, the shifting of seasons, the fulfilling feeling of being part of a family, butterflies in the stomach on seeing that special someone, a vacation away from home, the taste of mom's cooking, hanging out with friends and doing nothing, coffee and snacks at midnight, being so engrossed in a book that any track of time is lost, watching our favourite movie for the millionth time but still laughing and crying like a baby: aren't these the very things that make life beautiful and aren't they simply magical? It is true what they say: God is indeed in the details.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Life can sometimes get weird.  Yes, yes, I know, all my posts contain all these big worldly words and things that you may already know. But, sometimes, you just need someone to remind you, someone to give you that little push. Okay, going off the subject! Ain’t I great, though? :P

Isn’t it sad, or rather ironic, that sometimes people who once spoke day in and day out, end up becoming complete strangers? I mean, what can explain that? Did the people suddenly run out of topics to talk about? Did they exhaust all their wit and knowledge? Did the test tubes of their chemistry explode? Sure, you might say that some people are not meant to be together, that some things are just not meant to be, and that some people just come into our lives to fulfil a purpose and they can’t stay forever. I refuse to believe that that is always the case. That holds true only when things beyond our control happen, that is, when the people become separated by distance or time. Not when their ego or obduracy interferes.

Believe me, but you may already know, when I say that ego is the sole cause of relationships turning sour. It is not lack of communication and definitely not mismatching of personalities. These hurdles can be overcome when there is a willingness to change and understand. If not, the relationship is doomed. Yes, it is.
People say that we should be ourselves and not change for anything or anything. If someone really loves us, they’ll accept us as we are. Well, that is well and good. But, is it really? I mean, isn’t it possible for someone to love us from the bottom of their heart, but not like us? Isn’t it? It is. Believe me. It’s as easy as liking someone but not loving them. Yeah, life is confusing.

Then, if that is the case, why shouldn’t you change for the person who loves you and whom you love back? Why should you expect them to change, rather than you changing yourself? Sure, you shouldn’t lose your originality or change your beliefs and values. But, can’t you change yourself in a way that the person who’d who anything for you, might get a chance to like you a bit more, appreciate you a bit better? Can’t you adjust with their little faults and give in to some of their whims and fancies? Can’t you avoid doing things that raise their blood pressure? Is it really so hard, so immoral? What you have to understand is that the person you love so much, loves you back even more. They just don’t know how to express it. They just don’t know to make you feel special. They just have a different frame of mind. Yes, they may fight with you wildly. But that doesn’t mean they love you any lesser. What it means is that probably they are not as emotionally mature and put-together as you are. So, can you please put your ego aside and adapt to your partner? I would recommend that, because knowing that some people can never change, it is better to change yourself and be happy, rather than to cry alone in bed every night. ;)


  1. This is so True!
    If you cannot change others, Which you obviously can't or shouldn't in most cases, You should Change yourself!
    "Why shouldn’t you change for the person who loves you and whom you love back?"

  2. This is so right! Ego is like a silent killer for every relationship. Heard many times but realise it sometimes...'Is your ego more important than the relationship?'
    People have no replacements. :) Changing and improving is essential.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. so true.... n good.... it brought a cute smile on my face..... :)

  5. Thanks. :) Hope you enjoy the other posts too.
